Bombshell Coaching

Ever wished someone could just swoop into your life and help you step into who you know you were destined to be?

Your attitude about yourself. 

That extra weight. 

Your lackluster dating life. 

A sense that you’re never going to get it together ‘in time.’

Let’s face it: you’re a great girl. You’ve worked hard, you’ve got a good job, you have great taste in earrings/flats/classic movies, you’re polite at parties, and all your friends keep saying that you’re such a catch, someone would be so lucky to have you, and ‘what if we tried to set you up with so-and-so?’

Starting to feel me?

All of the external ‘stuff’ is in place, but nothing’s clicking.

In your weakest moments, you’re convinced that you’re just not pretty enough/thin enough/cool enough/desirable enough.

And then your defenses kick in:

It’s these sick unnatural cultural body-type standards, guys who are so dumb and value unimportant things, and all these expectations and demands on you that make it impossible to ever get everything right!

Can I break something to you, beautiful?

You’re a marvelous, deeply loved vision of glory, but you’ve heard it all wrong.

It’s not about your weight, your looks, your ‘dateablity’ or your ability to balance a dozen spinning plates.

And culture isn’t totally lying to you.

So what’s really going on?

It’s actually about your ability to see through BS, and only live out of the truth.

To stare all of the cultures that influence you in the face, grab what’s true, drop what’s not, and rock it in the very way you were called to.

But how do you do that?

How do you even know what cultures have and are affecting you, let alone what about them is true or misleading?

That, my love, is where I come in.

Your personal wing-woman, here to show you your excuses and self-limiting beliefs, and then show you the way out of them and into incredible transformation.

Because I, personally, am tired of watching you feel stuck and be scared of all you were designed to be – and I’ll bet you’re tired of it too.

And if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s cultures trying to mislead God’s gorgeous girls.

know you’re capable of more, and that the world is waiting for all you have to offer. Your fabulous wellness, radiant beauty, and flourishing relationships are right around the corner.

Do you know it?

Do you feel it?

Are you ready to be finally done with the things holding you back, inside and out?

Let’s cut the crap, babe, and get you glowing and going in the direction of your deepest dreams.

What does this take?

1. An overview and evaluation of the areas where you’re least satisfied right now. Is it your weight, and fitness? Your dating life or lack thereof? Your look, confidence, and letting your awesomeness shine through when you interact with others?

2. A game plan for the main areas holding you back. Do you need me to overhaul your diet and fitness routine, to be something you love and that will give your body the love it deserves (and get it looking and feeling better than you would believe!)? Help you bring to reality your personal balance of natural and bombshell beauty, from a place of love and total security? Hear out your dating woes and immediately cut through what you’re getting wrong and give you a powerful way forward? A little bit of all three? DONE.

3. Accountability as you make the moves to create the changes that are going to set you free.

What does it look like?

Whatever you need it to! We’ll chat first about what changes you want to see in your life. Then we line it up with God’s Word so that we can move forward confident that our efforts are approved.

We meet up via Skype every other week, for 3 months, for a 90 minute call and slash through your old habits and apparent obstacles with a double-edged sword and a whole lot of practicality.

And in-between? You get a personalized action plan of steps to take before our next call to bust through what’s keeping you stuck.

Why you?

Because if you’ve read this far, you’ve got a sense that you need to make a change, and this just might be the start of it. Because no one else is ever going to be exactly like you, and not living into your full calling and strength would be a crying shame.

Because the problems and pains you’re feeling only take tiny tweaks to see huge changes in, and you have everything you need to make it happen.

Why me?

Because in each of these main areas: weight, wellness, image and beauty, and intimacy and dating, I have been there, figured it out, and am now happily rocking it out.

And I want you to join me!

Because I bring in an element that creates true transformation: the Word, love, and power of God. I’ve heard a lot about ‘your truth,’ but the bottom line is, ‘your truth’ is how you step into living out the Truth.

Because I have a personal code of no judgement, no BS, no throwing in the towel, and getting through to you how loved you are, how safe all your hopes and fears are with me, and how much more God has for you.

What do you need to do to get in on it?

Realize things aren’t going to change unless you mix up your moves. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity – and you are brilliant, not crazy!

Give yourself permission to fully shine. You have every right (and honestly, even a responsibility) to step into your own excellence – to glorify God, inspire others, and love your own life instead of longing after another one.

Take a leap. Give me a shout. No pressure, no worries. I would love to chat with you and give you a free tip or two to get you on your way, regardless of whether or not you feel this is right for you right now.

Free clarity call

Your investment if you’re ready to rock: $597

Limited time Pre-party price: $297